IELTS 雅思口语笔记 - 2

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IELTS 雅思口语笔记 - 2

不懂一定要问考官:sorry, what do u mean by that?

Do u like... ? Do u often do sth..?

  • DO / Have / Is / Are


  • 肯定答案: yes + 细节和例子 + 解释感受
  • yes, sure/yes, absolutely / that's a big yes / no doubt about that / well, I like to say so
  • well, I don't hate sth(适合表达不确定喜不喜欢的奇怪的东西)
  • 否定答案: no + 原因解释 + 其他个人选择
  • Not really / No, I don't think so / No, I'm afraid not. / Quite the opposite
  • Even if
  • If I had more free time ...


  • I'm pretty into...
  • I'm quite big/keep on...
  • surely my thing.
  • I can never/don't usually say no to
  • I've had enough of ... = I'm so sick of ... 受够了
  • ... is the real pain in the neck. 让人头疼的事


  • Because + 句子
  • Because of + 名词成分
  • As/for/since + 句子
  • The main/major reason is...
  • It's simply/actually/basically/mainly because...
  • ......and that's exactly/partly why......

Did u ... when u were yang ?

  • Yes, kind of. When I was 5 or 6, I spent a lot of time on doing sth

  • Have/had a great time

Wh-列举 (be/how)what kind of ...?

  • Basically,... 最常见的清形; plus/also/on top of that/apart from that,.. 第二选项
  • Generally speaking/ most of the time,... 最常见的情形,At the same / from the time to time ... 第二选项
  • Well, mostly, the first one I like A, because...other than that,...

When was the last time u did ...

  • Speaking of this, it brings my memory back to the time when I was doing ....时间较近的情形
  • Well, let me see, at about this time yesterday / last Sunday / Friday / month, I was doing ...时间较远的情形
  • 后面 + 评价心情,态度 splendid / sensational / make my day

Have u ever done ... ? 过去进行时 虚拟语气

  • Yes/ I have / No, I haven't
  • If I could, I'd love to
  • If that was the case, I'd be over the moon
  • 肯定 + 过去进行时
  • 否定 + 虚拟语气

不确定的未来 Would u like...? Do u like to be...?

  • Wow, let me think, hmmm, the answer would be yes/no
  • If that was the case, I'd be over the moon.

二选一 Do u like/prefer A or B? Which one do u prefer, A or B?

  • Well, it depends / I'm not sure / I don't know. (Nether of them in fact.)

  • Between the two, I'd go for + 比较级

  • Personally, I'd believe ... sounds like a much better choice to me.

  • Comparatively speaking, it seems to me that... is like a more reasonable / sensible / preferable option. / .... is my preference.

最 Do u have a favorite ...? What's the most ...

  • Favorite / the bast
  • The best / the most popular / the most important...
  • Favorite
    • If u ask me,... will have to be my first choice.
    • Since you asked, I believe absolutely at the top of my favorite list.
    • If I have to take a pick, I guess no one compares to ......
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